Heerink Consultancy is specialised in safetymanagement, investigation and analysis of incidents and accidents and risk inventigation.
The continuity, availability and security of the business environment is important and should be guaranteed.
Incidents and accidents disturbs the business process and causes loss en lost time injuries.
Investigation provides a clearer understanding of the failed controls and latent failures and the actions neccessary to make significant and lasting improvements in loss prevention.
A systematic and comprehensive investigation wil bring you an answer to the question: 'How could the incident occur and how can it be prevented in the future'.
Risk assessment get therefore an increasing management attention and is an important part of the general safetymanagementsystem.
Heerink Consultancy uses several methods (for instance Tripod Beta) and is not looking for the 'guilty' party but for defenses that have failed.
People make mistakes (influeced by the environment, working conditions and the organization). Human factors and safety culture therefore can be an important part of the investigation, of even the method.
The following steps will be taken in an (risk and incident) investigation:
- Defining of the scope of the investigation
- Desk research
- Defining the depth of the investigation
- Assessment
- Presentation of the results
- Implementation improvements